Leetcode Wizard Pro

The paid version of Leetcode Wizard can be used during coding interviews.

Remove input source limitations

The trial version of Leetcode Wizard only allows input from LeetCode.com. With the pro version of Leetcode Wizard, you can use any input source.

Web client

The web client can be used to guarantee 100% safety during your (proctored) interviews. Simply open it on a secondary device, and all output will be mirrored to it.

Premium support

Do you have a question about using Leetcode Wizard during upcoming interview? Our support team is here to help. Our average response time is under 60 minutes.

Pro Subscription


Leetcode Wizard is continuously being updated and improved, you will receive all future updates for free.

Download now
  • Any input source allowed (e.g. HackerRank, CodeSignal, Codility)
  • Unlimited uses
  • Full access to the web client
  • Premium support response: within 6 hours


See what our users are saying. These testimonials were collected from our users.

”I spent almost three full months leetcode-prepping. During the interview for my dream job, I froze up under the pressure and wasn't able to solve the problem. After sending out another 40 or so applications, I was finally able to land another interview. This tool helped me pass that next interview with ease. I was able to solve the problem quickly (modified jump game 2) and get a positive rating from my interviewers.”

Medior Software Engineer

”I was not looking for a new role but got contacted by a recruiter on LinkedIn. With a family and two kids, I didn't have time to spend hours grinding leetcode every day. When I got referred for this beta, it seemed like an obvious choice. I did a few trial runs and a mock interview with a friend on Zoom. During the real interview, it was easy to use and definitely helped me in landing the new role (and a big pay raise) after also successfully showing my system design skills in the next round.”

Lead Software Engineer / ex-Engineering Manager

”I have over 10 years of programming experience, but just because I can't solve some ridiculous puzzles, I don't deserve a six-figure salary? I was tired after 10 years of three different 70k jobs in a row, and when I got this beta offer; it seemed like the holy grail. I honestly can't recommend this product enough.”

”Now that I have this job on my LinkedIn, recruiters are actually reaching out to me, it's crazy.”

United States
Senior Software Engineer

Frequently asked questions

If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us by e-mail: [email protected].